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Jacking Control Systems

Buoyancy Point System -
Draft gauges are very useful for determining buoyancy level during leg/spudcan extraction phase of a jacking cycle.  This can allow calculation estimates on buoyancy load on legs and spud can. It can be used to limit how much draft the vessel hull is allowed by design while keeping the vessel at its limit to aid in leg extraction. This system shows live indications of when a leg is freed from the sea bed. In larger vessels it can be very difficult to determine when a leg has become free. This system makes it very clear on screen what is going on at all times. This combined with accelerometers (included in Inclination Monitoring system below) work together to offer detailed information and visualization on screen. Operator awareness of this type can help prevent leg damage during leg extraction.  

Inclination Monitoring System -
Inclination monitoring is very important to a jacking system and is used during all operating and non-operating modes of the jacking system. We offer scalable versions of this system to match the control design. In its simplest form a large bullseye type bubble level is mounted on the control console. This manual level is incorporated into all control designs and is used as a visual gauge even if electronic sensor failure occurs. In addition to this bubble level we also supply a very accurate sensor array of solid state accelerometers and gyros at 3 points on the hull to calculate and determine a very accurate inclination of the vessel at all times and remove wind and wave interactions for a steady readout. This can be combined with additional GPS sensors to increase accuracy (sold with both the sonar system and navigation system discussed further below).  This system is used to maintain vessel inclination during jacking cycles and determine vessel movement during leg removal from the sea bed, through alarms and monitor leg settlement during preloading, and once the vessel is jacked into position and the jacking system disabled, this system can remain active to monitor the vessel and through alarms for any further unwanted leg settlement that could lead to a catastrophic leg failure. During heavy wind and wave action oscillation occurs in the vessel movement. To account for this and prevent unwanted alarms we use algorithms to calculate and remove this undesirable motion from the sensor readouts and maintain accurate inclination readouts. 
Live Load Monitoring System -
This system requires torque load sensors built into the jacking tower and gearing. Retrofitting a system with this option may require the addition of a torque sensor array in the jacking towers or to be retrofitted to the existing gearing setup. There are different ways of monitoring load with varying degrees of accuracy. live load monitoring allows load monitoring even when the system is not jacking allowing load measurements to be taken at all times. Standard load monitoring may require the system to be actively moving in order to take a measurement on the system. Load monitoring can be very useful in determining deck load placement, preload determination and dutycycle measurement and to help determine limits on deck load that may have been miscalculated. Load monitoring is required 4 leg systems that must balance the load between the legs and preload based on hull weight and varying the load per leg. 
Deck Load & Calculation System -
This system is scalable and can be tied into the load monitoring system however in its simplest form it allows for the calculation of deck load and Preload info – calculation & Center of gravity based on deck load placement. In its expanded form we can incorporate preload and tank level indication system showing the liquid level in all tanks through the vessel and center of gravity calculations based on this information. This system requires tank level sensors to be installed in each tank. We can supply and service this complete system if desired. Having this system displayed in the jacking control offers space saving in the bridge and overall cost savings. It can also save time during preloading operations. A fully automated tank management system is also possible in a new build application.
3D multibeam Sonar & Nav System -
We offer 3D visualization package with a jacking control that incorporates a 3D model of the entire vessel and live interaction with the seabed, water level, waves etc. This system is fully dynamic and allow zoom, pan, rotate, etc. allowing the operator to inspect different angles and views in detail. The multibeam Sonar adds to this package building an actual 3D representation of the sea bed beneath the vessel as the vessel passes over it. Know what is down there before you lower your legs. In liftboat applications this is extremely useful as the vessel is often jacking in areas that are unknown. A custom sensor setup can also allow for live changed below the vessel. This system also shows the leg settlement into the sea floor and shows the depressions left after extraction. This is useful as the vessel may often jack in this location more than once. As the vessel travels over more and more areas a sea floor map is generated and stored in the system for reference and viewing. This map can then be laid out into Navigation Software that place the detailed sea floor map into the 3D navigation software and mapping package. Please note that third party payment agreements are required to maintain accuracy of this mapping system and is sold separately.

Sensor Engagement Platform:  

Over designed for its purpose these units are unmatched in maintaining measurement accuracy for RPD systems. The precision rail system and rugged heavy duty design lead the industry in RPD monitoring:


  • Constant Engagement under 30 to 40 lbs of force at all times.

  • First Zero Error Sensor Engagement System on the market. (No Circular Ark Error)

  • Low Profile Extremely Robust & Sturdy Design

  • Truly Zero Maintenance Design. No grease, No oil, No Paint Required

  • Every Component is made from 316 Stainless Steel from the Springs to the rollers and bearings

  • Common Shaft Redundant Encoders Per Cord Keeps Your System in Operation at All Times

  • Hot Swappable Encoder Design. No need for complicated programing. Node Tagging is wired not set in the encoder memory like most digital designs.

  • System for measuring air gap and wave height

  • Reliable measurement, independent of wind, temperature and fog

  • Long Sensor Life in Offshore Conditions

  • Measuring-range---Distance 30 m

  • Temperature -40 ... 200 °C

  • Accuracy ± 2 mm

  • Materials,-wetted-parts PFA PTFE 316L PEEK 

  • Focussed 80 GHz beam and fast reaction for precision measurement

  • Simple installation

With more than 20 years of combined experience servicing jacking systems and in jacking control design, we have the experience needed to ensure your project has a professional appearance, built to the highest safety standard while delivering the most advanced system available with a high level of built in redundancy and a low level of complexity. We believe in keeping it simple and easy to repair in the field ensuring maximum up time. Whether it is retrofitting an older system or working with OEM's on complete control design or just add on packages, we bring the experience and technology to any jacking control system design speeding delivery and improving overall system offerings.


 We retrofit older relay based systems with simple touch display & joystick control with the addition of sensors allowing for improved accuracy and operator awareness at the same time reducing the overall complexity of the control circuit. Our focus with any design is to improve safety, save our customers expense while improving system performance and reducing system downtime. We also retrofit newer systems that are getting dated or are just poorly designed and riddled with issues causing downtime and operation failures. We offer improved performance and many optional features that contribute to safety and reducing costly accidents and system failures. For standard control system features please inquire as we will need to know the type of system that we will be building around.  


System Offerings:

Leg Position Indication System -

This system is now commonplace in most control systems on the market today. Although this system can be customized to match the particular system the basics remain the same. This system can also be expanded and used in conjunction with an RPD system discussed further below. For an RPD system the accuracy becomes a critical design element minimizing sensor mounting options. Without RPD the sensor can be placed in a multitude of locations. With our system dual redundant high resolution encoders are used. We use encoders that are IP69K rated fully water tight and can operate underwater, housed in a non-corrosive housing, and usually of the absolute multiturn design which maintain position measurement regardless of loss of power and turns made without power. Our encoders are hot-swappable meaning no technician is required to program the unit during change-out. Preprogramed and no wrong way mount with plug connector for easy change-out and the non-shafted design eliminates the need to connect the shaft. A magnetic pickup is used to rotate the encoder inside of its sealed housing. Set limits on leg travel can be controlled by this system preventing the spud can from contacting the hull and warning and interlock before the top of the leg is lowered beyond its limits into the jack tower. When combined with an airgap monitoring system (discussed below) even the air gap can be limited by this system. Customized as per owner request of coarse.

RPD system -

Rack Phase Differential (RPD) monitoring systems are critical for most lattice leg vessel built today. Without this system leg damage can easily occur due to the inaccuracy of the manual method. This system can also be used for reference to automate corrections during jacking to ease operation and prevent operator error (jacking system specific). The automated system keeps the leg cords within the maximum limits within the load limits of the driving system. Dual redundant measurement sensors (encoder type as listed above under leg position indication system) are installed on each leg cord to monitor for possible sensor inaccuracy or failure and offer no down time in case of a sensor failure. Once system operating limits are reached alarms and interlocks engage to prevent both leg damage. At this point the operator must make the appropriate decision to possibly relocate the vessel for a more feasible jacking location or make and adjustment as needed. Suggestions are offered on screen to guide the operator and help prevent leg damage and possible catastrophic failure from occurring. 

For a detailed informative video on RPD please click on this link:


Air Gap Monitoring System -

Automatic airgap tracking system offers many important features to a jacking system. It tracks the airgap in real time and shows the live airgap from between the hull and the water at all times. It can be used to limit the vessel from jacking beyond the maximum air gap adding to the safety of operations. It also eliminates the need to manually calculate tidal changes. This system has the ability to determine live wave height information and can be used to activate alarms when sea level and wave heights exceed a set limit indicating time to evacuate location. We also use this system in showing live updates of the sea level interaction in 2D or 3D onscreen depending on the system sold. 

Dutycycle Monitoring -
Service alerts based on actual system use, loading and actual leg travel.  Other factors can also be incorporated into this system. Overload & event monitoring and alerts is also included with this system. The service alerts are based on ABS, DNV recommendations for system life cycle, service and adjusted to match OEM engineering data. Adjustments can be made to match actual wear found during system service or adjusted based on calculated wear due to an overload situation or catastrophic event. Manual data entry into the system is made via the main control to update when a service interval is performed with part specific forms and service life estimation adjustments allowed via master key. All tracking takes place in the system and is sent out via data connection via packets when a connection is made or becomes available. This system can also be combined with a historian (discussed below) for tracking and replay of system operation. We offer monitoring service along with these systems scalable as desired.
•    Spare Parts Tracking System -
We build a customized system specific recommended spare parts tracking system. We find that the spare parts recommended by most manufacturers are not sufficient to guarantee system uptime often lacking simple control system items that the system cannot operate without. We recommend a hierarchy system based on the critical level of the parts recommended and estimated lead time to source a replacement (fleet wide spare vs onboard spares etc). It is up to the customer to determine to what level to maintain the spares. The system will red flag missing tier 1 spares, orange flag missing tier 2 spares, and yellow flag missing tier 3 spares. Spares data entry is offered through the main control and stored in the control system databanks with packet updating via data connection to outside monitoring devices and servers. Alerts can be turned on to alert purchasing when a spare is marked used. The model code information along with pictures and location of the spare part in the system is stored in the system and sent to purchasing to speed up and maintain the correct spares purchase. Print outs can be made in spread sheet form to appease class or contract inspectors at any time. We can also supply apps for the purpose of accessing this information from the office end allowing for a fleet wide tracking system as needed. 
•    Historian - 
Historian is simply a data logging system with many additional features. This system stores sensor and operational data for future playback and also offers the ability to publish this information in many different formats such as spread sheets, graphs and charts. This is similar to a DVR system. The amount of storage is limited to the amount of data collected, frequency of data collected and storage capacity supplied with the system. We also offer full 3D system playback (based on system sold) and additional 3D mapping features as desired. A optional "black box" can also be supplied encasing the memory storage in a damage resistant water tight box. This can be recovered in case of overturning incident to determine what possibly caused the accident.

Leg Inclination Indication System (pipe legs only) -
This system works similarly to the RPD system on a lattice leg only it is strictly a measure of what angle the leg is leaning in the guide or jacking tower. This can help to determine the direction of spud-can side slippage on the sea floor. This information is also helpful in leg extraction
Estimated time to Demobe calculation sheet -
This simple calculation sheet can be provided with the system to aid in determination of estimated time to demobilize the vessel and get to safe refuge in the case that wave heights start to approach safety limits of the vessel. This calculation should be determined each time the vessel is jacked into position. More complexity can be added to this system to work together with the Air gap monitoring system to trigger alarms.
Built in System Redundancy & Local leg controllers -
•    Dual communication lines between the master control PLC and the HPU’s can be provided.  If one connection fails the second connection is automatically activated and an alarm displayed. This helps to eliminate downtime due to fault issues and unnecessary interlocks
•    Local leg controllers can be provided adding a very strong level of redundant operation. Each leg can be jacked independently via a low level local control at each leg. If the Master Jacking system fails or communication is completely severed, jacking can continue at the local control station.

Diotcon's Jack Master  I Operator Control

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