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Jack Master  I

Jack Master I Operator's Chair:   The Ultimate Jacking Control. Jack Master 1 was developed specifically for Jacking System Control.  The heavy duty construction puts this chair in a class of its own offering up to 4  high resolution 22" master touch display modules. The strong arm mounts prevent display bounce and remain fully adjustable. 5 customizable joysticks can be supplied for 4 leg jackup units. This operator's chair is fully customizable and adjustable offering ultimate comfort and bringing a higher level of operator awareness with full view of the jacking operations while comfortably seated. This type of control helps to maintain operator focus on the jacking operations with all needed jacking information displayed for safe jacking night or day. The seat base is designed to be slide mounted for user optimal positioning. This system will last the life of the vessel allowing for ease of additional customization and upgrades to the base unit.
With this system Diotcon supplies a fully customized, vessel specific operator interface with varying pricing levels depending on the desired level of sensor feedback and system sophistication.  Full 3D Interactive Touch is our high end top level system with a live interactive view of the vessel showing seafloor, airgap, leg position, water level and wave heights. Dynamically rotate, pan, zoom freely with finger gestures for optimal view point and details. This program interface can combine a number of systems integration including:   3D seafloor mapping sonar as a minimum; Live Laser Scanning system for accurate 3D display of above surface objects & platforms approaching the vessel including distance measurement; Forward Facing Sonar for live 3D display of objects, seafloor and platforms below the surface approaching the vessel. These sensors are generally platform facing for jacking system control however can be customized as desired and combined into a vessel navigation system upon request. 

Crane Master  I

Crane Master I Operator's Chair (coming soon):   The ultimate Offshore Pedestal Crane Control. The Crane Master 1 was developed specifically for offshore control applications. It is important to note that all control components can be built into the operator's chair itself with no additional cab mounted control boxes.  The heavy duty construction is the finest in the industry preventing bounce in the display mounts and allowing fully adjustable positioning of the displays. Having the displays chair mounted allows the display to move with the operator as the seat suspension allows for a higher level of operator comfort. This type of mounting also keeps the displays close to the operator and allow added visual space to see the crane operations.  These chairs come will full suspension seats and fully adjustable armrest and joystick panels. Diotcon offers a few different seating styles and foot rest types depending on the application. 

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Jack Master  I

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