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Crane Control Systems

From Retrofitting older systems to working with OEM's on complete control design or add on packages, we bring the experience and technology to any crane control system design speeding delivery and improving overall system offerings. All systems that we sell comply with API standards and typically exceed the standard requirements. We see systems with a mass of cables and a multitude of control panel boxes leading to increased failure points and longer periods of downtime as more time is generally required to repair a failure. All of this mass of cables can be reduced to just a few control cables leading from the master controller with display screen removing the large panel boxes all together. These reductions offer a high reduction in failure points along with much improved overall harsh environmental resistance and together creating a far more reliable system.
We retrofit older systems adding visualization touch display & control and additional sensors allowing for improved accuracy and operator awareness. These systems are designed to save our customers expense while improving system performance and reducing system downtime. 
We also retrofit newer systems that are getting dated or are just poorly designed and riddled with issues causing downtime and operation failures. We offer improved performance and many optional features that contribute to safety and reducing costly accidents and system failures. 
For standard control system features please inquire as we will need to know the type of system that we will be building around.

System Offerings (beyond the basic control setup):


Our base systems are designed so that add on packages or system expansions are easily made without the need to changout any core equipment. 

Combined LMI & Control systems -
Combined LMI system built into the main control rather than a complete secondary system improves system operation and system flexibility. This eliminates compatibility problems between the 2 systems, greatly reduces control boxes and cabling, allows for 1 display that shows all information required or 2 screens customized to the crane showing the current load chart limits and live chart locations in one screen with live loads and crane positioning and working zones in the other. In addition to this live video feeds can also be incorporated in to this same control network reducing cabling. This can be arranged with window based video, separate flip screens for video, or additional displays for live imaging of each CCT location at all times (recommended). The LMI systems that we would suggest with these controls would be electronic and would meet class 1 div 2 hazard zone safety requirements as needed.

Automatic Load Chart -
On Board Off Board Automatic load chart activation with manual overrides in place for special situations. Some crane systems require automatic load chart switching from Onboard to Offboard at any time the hook enters a zone outside of the hull of the vessel or platform and back to Onboard when the hook enters the perimeters. These systems can also implement automatic sea state determination based on sensor feedback and automatically limit the crane based on sea state. These systems are scalable and can be as extensive as sensors for both the vessel with crane mounted and portable sensors to place on the vessel lifting from. The system can also be simplified to match customer requirements. Many factors come to play with this type of system and require a lot of customer information and feedback in order to implement. 

Zone Limiting -
Zone limiting can easily be added to a crane based on luffing & slew angles and can limit the crane from entering certain zones to prevent collision with stationary objects. If more than 1 crane work in the same area sensors can be used to limit the cranes and prevent collisions using a data link between the 2 cranes. This system can be set up just to warn the operator or to limit the crane travel. The operators can choose to override these limits at any time for coordinated lifts etc. As you can see this is a scalable system and can also be used to aid in positioning the boom for boom rest placement. 

Complete Hydraulic Control System -
We also offer complete hydraulic control systems making the crane control immune to any electrical failure. These system us piloted control offering fine feathering control via small chair mount joysticks. The LMI system that we would suggest with these controls would be electronic and would meet class 1 div 2 hazard zone safety requirements. If fully Hydraulic LMI system is required, we can also supply it. 

(ELL) Emergency Load Lowering Systems -
We offer custom add on ELL systems to bring older systems up to modern safety standards. These systems support Personnel Handling applications. We will typically bring all functions into the ELL system however they are often limited by load in the lifting direction due to emergency power available. An additional benefit is that these systems can be designed to offer a secondary control system that can be used to operate the crane via the normal power source in case the main control fails. This offers a high level of redundancy and can reduce the possibility of downtime. 

Engine & System Monitoring -
Although this should be considered standard for any system it is also a scalable design consideration. We can add both main engine and generator engine monitoring to the main control with warnings, alarms, and automatic shut down if desired. We can connect to any modern engine electronic system for control and monitoring or add sensors to an older engine for monitoring certain items. We can also monitor hydraulic systems, fuel and hydraulic levels, temperatures, speeds and feeds, etc. We can easily add sensors to any crane system to allow for detailed system monitoring and protection. This can prevent major system failures and extended downtime via preventive monitoring. 

CCTV system -
Adding cameras to monitor certain areas of the crane at all times adds to operator awareness and safety. Hook monitoring is especially useful wear we place a pivoting camera at the boom point looking down at the hook at all times. This give the operator hook position awareness at all times regardless of obstacles in the cab viewing path. Other areas to monitor is Luffing and load winches, and tale swing. This system can be installed as a separate system or built into the controller display. Additional displays can be added for constant visualization of all areas at the same time.

Dutycycle Monitoring -
Service alerts based on actual system use, loading and actual system travel.  Other factors can also be incorporated into this system. Overload & event monitoring and alerts is also included with this system. The service alerts are based on the API recommendations for system life cycle, service and adjusted to match OEM engineering data. Adjustments can be made to match actual wear found during system service or adjusted based on calculated wear due to an overload situation or catastrophic event. Manual data entry into the system is made via the main control to update when a service interval is performed with part specific forms and service life estimation adjustments allowed via master key. All tracking takes place in the system and is sent out via data connection via packets when a connection is made or becomes available. This system can also be combined with a historian (discussed below) for tracking and replay of system operation. We offer monitoring service along with these systems scalable as desired.

Spare Parts Tracking System -
We build a system specific recommended spare parts tracking system. We find that the spare parts recommended by most manufacturers are often not sufficient to garuntee system uptime often lacking simple control system or mechanical items that the system cannot operate without. We evaluate the system and recommend a hierarchy system based on the critical level of the parts recommended and estimated lead time to source a replacement (fleet wide spare vs onboard spares etc). It is up to the customer to determine to what level to maintain the spares. The system will red flag missing tier 1 spares, orange flag missing tier 2 spares, and yellow flag missing tier 3 spares. Spares data entry is offered through the main control and stored in the control system databanks with packet updating via data connection to outside monitoring devices and servers. Alerts can be turned on to alert purchasing when a spare is marked used. The model code information along with pictures and location of the spare part in the system is stored in the system and sent to purchasing to speed up and maintain the correct spares purchase. Print outs can be made in spread sheet form to appease class or contract inspectors at any time. We can also supply apps for the purpose of accessing this information from the office end allowing for a fleet wide tracking system as needed. 

Historian - 
Historian is simply a data logging system with many additional features. This system stores sensor and operational data for future playback and also offers the ability to publish this information in many different formats such as spread sheets, graphs and charts. This is similar to a DVR system. The amount of storage is limited to the amount of data collected, frequency of data collected and storage capacity supplied with the system. We also offer full 3D system playback (based on system sold). A black box can also be supplied encasing the memory storage in a damage resistant water tight box. This can be recovered after an accident to determine what caused the accident (optional).


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